24/7 Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline: (423) 755-2700
Volunteer Opportunities
The Partnership depends on dedicated volunteers to provide crucial services to our neighbors in need. Help Partnership by Volunteering!
Camp HOPE America - Chattanooga
To learn more contact Michelle Howard at CampHope@partnershipfca.com or (423)805-6126
Volunteers will serve as camp counselors throughout monthly programs and summer camp. These activities will be outdoors as much as possible and they will typically be 2-3 hours in length. We will offer at least one weekend of camping during the spring for those able to attend. Expected volunteer time would be no more than 5 hours a month with the exception of a camping event.
To learn more contact Wendy Winters at wwinters@partnershipfca.com or (423)423-4332
Offer assistance to elderly and/or disabled clients in meeting the needs of daily living. Volunteer activities range from taking care of household needs and lawn care to shopping for groceries and quality telephone conversation or friendly visits. “Mr. Fix-it” volunteers are also needed to assist with minor home repairs.
Caring and concerned individuals are invited to be trained (16 hours) and certified as Volunteer Ombudsman Representatives (VORS) who visit residents of long term care facilities to listen to their concerns/problems and serve as advocates on their behalf.
To learn more contact Jeanetta Smith at jsmith@partnershipfca.com or (423)876-8445.
Provide adolescents who are aging out of Foster Care with mentoring/academic tutoring and assist them in preparing for a self-sufficient life in our community.
Teach a class ranging from life skills to financial education to youth aging out of foster care at Partnership’s I.A.M. Ready Center
To learn more contact Cass Combs at ccombs@partnershipfca.com or (423)755-2848
Shelter Meal Train (Bringing, Setting up, and Serving Meals for Shelter clients/families)
Internship (Fall 2024):