The Partnership for Families, Children and Adults, Inc. asserts that all people are entitled to:
- Be treated with dignity and respect
- Recognition of their individual differences
- Regard for their ethnic and cultural diversity
- Exercise socially responsible self-determination
- Respect of privacy and confidentiality; and
- Treatment in the least restrictive environment.
Customers or Potential Customers:
The fundamental responsibility of all staff is to make a deliberate effort to enhance the lives and relationships of all customers and potential customers.
Customers’ best interest shall always be paramount and supersedes the personal interest of staff.
Information received about customers will be treated with respect of privacy and confidentiality (except where restricted by law).
Customers will be advised in writing of their rights and any exceptions.
Only when there is, in the professional judgment of Partnership staff, an imminent risk of serious harm to self or others shall the customers right to privacy, confidentiality and self-determination be violated (e.g., reporting child/elder abuse, potential suicide, etc.).
Services are provided within the context of informed consent with regard to cost, service delivery and information sharing. When there is a problem with service delivery, customers may request changes and appeal any decisions.
Involvement in any research is voluntary and requires complete informed consent.
The professional relationship between Partnership staff and customers must never be exploited for: personal gain or satisfaction, religious beliefs, political beliefs, financial interest or gain; or any other potentially harmful purpose.
Professional Colleagues: (All Partnership staff are considered to be professional colleagues.)
Professional colleagues have the right to expect to practice in an environment free from:
Unwarranted criticism;
Dishonesty and unprincipled behavior;
Demeaning or harassing comments or behavior; and
Exploitation of any kind.
Professional colleagues have the right to expect:
Responsible and accurate evaluation of their abilities to perform assigned tasks;
Proficiency in professional practice from one another; and
Commitment to customers and potential customers.
The Partnership for Families, Children and Adults, Inc. expects that:
Statements made about professional qualifications and credentials are accurate.
Commitments made to the organization are kept.
Staff performs their duties and use Partnership resources in an ethical and honest manner.
Staff adheres to all Partnership policies and procedures.
Over and above all policies, procedures and rules, Partnership staff are expected to use responsible and conscientious professional judgment in the performance of assigned duties, with decisions consistently made in the best interest of customers and potential customers.